Monday, February 2, 2009

Jumped Through My Last Hoop

So my final hoop to jump through has been my psych eval. I had posted last time that I had an appointment in early December that I had an appointment. I had that appointment but I did not fully pass. I passed, but I made the mistake of mentioning that I am worried about my husband. I have a few issues with saying no to his food plus a few other things. So the therapist recommended a couples therapy session before she recommended I get the surgery. I was not too worried about it. So I set up a session with a nice lady I had seen before. I asked her receptionist if she saw couples and she said yes. So Scott and I went off to our appointment. The counselor was put off by my request and let me know that she does not work with couples. I guess our insurance only has one family therapist on one base in our area and it is a four month waiting list to get in with her/him. ( wonder there is such a high divorce rate in the military.) I left really frustrated and ready to throw in the towel.

I talked to my surgeon consultant and she told me in all of her years of scheduling appointments that she has never heard of someone being told to have couples therapy before surgery. I told her what our issues were. She said they were no big deal and to just get a 2nd opinion and start over with a new psych consult. I spent an entire day on the phone calling my approved list of therapists. I left about 10 messages around town. I finally heard back from one. I went to my appointment today and it feels so good to get it done. This one went really well. He said he will get the paperwork in by Friday. I am hoping to get a call from the surgeon within two weeks with a surgery date and my date will be around one month from then. I can not wait to get the call!!!! So I am guessing my surgery will be in about 6 weeks. I can not wait. It has been exactly a year since I was referred for the surgery by my nutritionist. It has been a long year. Lots of hurdles and hoops but I have jumped through them all.

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