Tuesday, October 5, 2010

OK, I am LAME!...When it comes to loosing weight.

I am lame at loosing weight. I have been so up and down in the past four months. I am so frustrated with myself, not at the surgery, I only have myself to blame!!!! I am such an emotional eater. I am addicted to oreos, which by the way, go straight through the band, no restriction what so ever!!! This addiction to oreos during this overwhelmingly emotional time in my life has lead me to a 19lb gain in the past four weeks. I woke up this morning and got on the scale for the first time in a little while. I am just gonna post it......it read 199. I have not been over 200 since a month after my surgery.....i am almost there again!!! UGHHHHHHH....so mad at myself. I was prompted to get on the scale because even my "fat" jeans are too tight. So after I put on my too tight "fat" jeans and got off the scale I wanted to cry and run to the store to buy more oreos....I know, gross right? but instead I got on the computer and chat message from a good friend reading "are you going to exercise with us?" So I got out of my tight jeans, put on my workout pants and went and exercised with my friends. Thank you for saving me good friends and not letting me get over 200lbs again...ugh....I am so lame at the weight loss thing! But only at this weight loss thing. I have worked a lot this last year on my talents and finding out who I really am. I think I am pretty good in a lot of areas in my life. As my husband says, I am stronger then I give myself credit for. I am a pretty good mom. I am raising two brave and very crazy hilarious daughters. I take full credit for their awesome personalities. I may not be perfect at everything, but who is??? I am pretty hard on myself when it comes to this weight loss stuff. I put a lot of weight on it. I am going to take the weight off of the weight issue. Gonna work on doing that.

I stumbled across a blog entry last month about a bloggers distain for fat people. She feels like fat people are just full of excuses of why they are fat and that they are really just fat because they are lazy. Oh, by the way, I am the offended reader she is referring to in the blog post. (click on "blog Entry" above to read the blog posts). Well I just want to let the blogger know that no one hates "fat" people more then fat people hate themselves. So we have one up on you! I am working on not making that statement true anymore and overcome judgmental opinions from people like you that just don't understand that people have life stories. People are beautiful! People are so much more then what we see when we pass on the street.


Bobbi said...

My weakness is a DQ chocolate dipped ice cream cone.

Its $2.15.

I always have exact change.

Confession: I got one today.

Erika said...

Dear Channon!!You are not alone. This banded life is a JOURNEY, not a destination! I have discovered that it will never stop being hard. I have had ups and downs...as well as EVERYONE who has had a band. Tha's because there are reasons we needed the band in the first place!! :0)
You hang in there, dearie. Go back to the band basics. I would love to check in with you..I am trying to recommit to healthy eating, too. Just because you have taken a detour up, does NOT mean you cannot just turn around and head DOWN again! Good luck, dearie!!

Anonymous said...

Channon, I know I rarely blog anymore or have time for anything, but I want you to know how much I just love you, you are a very amazing, talented, sweet girl. I read the blog post you were referring to and I too feel offended. What does that girl know anyways. If she isn't dealing with a weight issue herself, she has absolutely NO FREAKIN IDEA. She makes it sound like people are fat because they sit on their butts and do nothing. That is so not true. I personally feel that the
majority of overweight people are just so busy taking care of others and juggling the many stresses in their lives, that they tend to run out of time for themselves. I know I am so busy with working full-time, doing college full-time, taking care of my children, doing my church callings, and having a very sick husband. Do I want to excersise more, of course, do I want to eat healthier? Of course I do, I know I need to do these things, but I don't neglect them because I am lazy, I am just so tired and I know I have issues with food, I always have, they make me feel better temporarily, do I feel guilty and crappy after eatign them, yes, but the way your "so-called friend" was talking about it was really cold and heartless. I am sorry that she said those things, she doesn't understand. No overweight person needs to read or hear those kinds of things, we know if we have a weight problem, how couldn't we, it is part of our every thought, no matter how amazing we may be at other things, that stupid stigma of being overweight always makes us feel like we are not good enough. The fact of the matter is that we are good enough, the world just makes us feel as though we are not. Sure we feel better when we are smaller, but it is an endless battle. I hope I am able to turn my life around and get to a healthy weight, it really is devestating. I don't know why someone would make a whole post to basically kick someone when they already feel down. Please know that you are amazing Channon, whether you are bone thin, healthy weight, or overweight. You are beautiful and extremely talented.
OK I am going on and on, I don't even know if I can post a comment this long. Feel free to delete it once you have read it, I am just so frusterated by Amanda's remarks.