Friday, December 12, 2008
You Tube and Lap Band
I have been checking out you tube lately for stories about the lap band. There are a lot of great before and after videos made by actual patients from their homes. But I really like this commercial.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Done With My 6 Months
I have not posted in a long time. I hope no one thought I was giving up on the surgery. I have been very busy running from appointment to appointment. I just completed my 6 month check list of appointments. Once a month I had to do these three things: 1. Go to the nutritionist. 2. Visit with my Primary Care Manager (Doctor) 3. Attend a bariatric surgery exercise class. I was so nervous that I would miss one, making my surgery date pushed back or cause me to start the 6 month process over again. I did it! I made it to all three once a month for the past 6 months.
Some other things I have accomplished are attending a 4 hour nutrition class. That was very informative. The biggest fact was learning that I will only be eating 4 TBLS of food for all three meals. And two protein shakes a day. That was not a typo....4 tbls. 2 of a protein and one fruit and one veggie. That is all my stomach will be able to take in at a time. The first few weeks will all be pureed food. Pureed veggies...yum!!! For my proteins I am not going to eat pureed meat or chicken, my proteins of choice will be peanut butter, tuna, refried beans and eggs. I can't really stomach eggs, but I know I can stomach it better than pureed meat. Another moment in class that I thought, "can I really do this?" was when I was told that I can't have gum anymore. I love gum. Why can't I have gum? I can't risk swallowing it. the gum will have a hard time passing the band and it could result in surgery, that is the worst case scenario.. But on top of that is that it will cause gas because of the air consumption while chewing. so no gum. Plus other things I will miss are popcorn. I love pop corn. Pop corn is one of many no nos..
Another thing I had to do was to take a sleep study test. They had to test for Sleep Apnia restless leg syndrome. I do not have it. In fact I have the opposite.....I have hyper sleep. Meaning that I am a very deep sleeper. Any of my kids could have told you that. They learned at a very young age, like four weeks, that they had better just sleep through the night because mommy can't hear them to come get them. And daddy has hyper sleeep too. Deep sleepers here.
So what is next. There is a few check ups I need and then a surgery date will be scheduled, hopefully, remember that I still have to wait for approval from the insurance company. I have a psych consult scheduled for next Tuesday. I don't think I have posted on the latest on my emotional therapy. I had written earlier about how much I love my eating disorder therapist. I went into see her in August. We had a great visit. She said she would get me my letter I needed stating that I am a good candidate for the surgery. I had not gotten the letter from her yet, but in September I was feeling yukky emotionally so I called to set an appointment and she was gone. They told me that she no longer worked there and could not release any info about where she was working now. I was so mad!!!! And very sad. The finding a new therapist has been nothing but torture!! I asked my current office if I could meet with someone else to get my psch consult. They said it will take 12 to 16 weeks to get one scheduled and that If would be put on a waiting list. I could not wait that long and that I would need a new referral anyways. I got a new referral and requested to be sent somewhere else that could see me faster. I got a letter in the mail for a therapist to call. I called him and he was so RUDE!!! first he asked me if I needed an appointment or if I just wanted him to place a prescription for medication. I thought it was weird that he asked if I wanted a prescription when I hadn't even met with him yet, nor had I told him my name. All I had said was "hello, I would like to schedule an appointment." I told him I needed a psych consult for bariatric surgery. and all he said was, "no I don't do that no I don't do that no I don't do that." I tried to tell him that I received his name from my insurance company and if there was any one at his office that did do it. before I could even get it out, her hung up on me. I was so upset. Scott was home at the time. Scott is a very passive and loving character. He always gives people the benefit of the doubt and tries to be noncrontational. It is a good quality and balaning out my drama queen side. And usually when I cry about stuff like this he tells me that I am over reacting....but not this time. As soon as I got off the phone, which he heard the brief conversation, he called the dr. right back and yelled at him. It was just a voice message, but it was a great voice message!! He told him that he had no right to hang up on me and treat his wife like that. I was so proud and so in love with him in that moment. I think it was one of the first times he stood up for me rather than try to convince me to see it from the other person's point of view. I loved it. I called my insurance company to ask for another dr. They gave me a list of five places to call. I called all five and left messages. Of all those messages only one place called me back. One very nice lady that said she does this all the time, help bariatric patients get their psych consults.
Other things I have to do include: upper GI, galbladder ultrasound, chest x-ray, blood work, and some other labs. Other than that, I am just waiting to hear from insurance and get a date scheduled. I am very excited, but nervous that this was all for nothing. I am nervous that it won't happen and I will be told no. Hopefully next time I post will be with a date!
Some other things I have accomplished are attending a 4 hour nutrition class. That was very informative. The biggest fact was learning that I will only be eating 4 TBLS of food for all three meals. And two protein shakes a day. That was not a typo....4 tbls. 2 of a protein and one fruit and one veggie. That is all my stomach will be able to take in at a time. The first few weeks will all be pureed food. Pureed veggies...yum!!! For my proteins I am not going to eat pureed meat or chicken, my proteins of choice will be peanut butter, tuna, refried beans and eggs. I can't really stomach eggs, but I know I can stomach it better than pureed meat. Another moment in class that I thought, "can I really do this?" was when I was told that I can't have gum anymore. I love gum. Why can't I have gum? I can't risk swallowing it. the gum will have a hard time passing the band and it could result in surgery, that is the worst case scenario.. But on top of that is that it will cause gas because of the air consumption while chewing. so no gum. Plus other things I will miss are popcorn. I love pop corn. Pop corn is one of many no nos..
Another thing I had to do was to take a sleep study test. They had to test for Sleep Apnia restless leg syndrome. I do not have it. In fact I have the opposite.....I have hyper sleep. Meaning that I am a very deep sleeper. Any of my kids could have told you that. They learned at a very young age, like four weeks, that they had better just sleep through the night because mommy can't hear them to come get them. And daddy has hyper sleeep too. Deep sleepers here.
So what is next. There is a few check ups I need and then a surgery date will be scheduled, hopefully, remember that I still have to wait for approval from the insurance company. I have a psych consult scheduled for next Tuesday. I don't think I have posted on the latest on my emotional therapy. I had written earlier about how much I love my eating disorder therapist. I went into see her in August. We had a great visit. She said she would get me my letter I needed stating that I am a good candidate for the surgery. I had not gotten the letter from her yet, but in September I was feeling yukky emotionally so I called to set an appointment and she was gone. They told me that she no longer worked there and could not release any info about where she was working now. I was so mad!!!! And very sad. The finding a new therapist has been nothing but torture!! I asked my current office if I could meet with someone else to get my psch consult. They said it will take 12 to 16 weeks to get one scheduled and that If would be put on a waiting list. I could not wait that long and that I would need a new referral anyways. I got a new referral and requested to be sent somewhere else that could see me faster. I got a letter in the mail for a therapist to call. I called him and he was so RUDE!!! first he asked me if I needed an appointment or if I just wanted him to place a prescription for medication. I thought it was weird that he asked if I wanted a prescription when I hadn't even met with him yet, nor had I told him my name. All I had said was "hello, I would like to schedule an appointment." I told him I needed a psych consult for bariatric surgery. and all he said was, "no I don't do that no I don't do that no I don't do that." I tried to tell him that I received his name from my insurance company and if there was any one at his office that did do it. before I could even get it out, her hung up on me. I was so upset. Scott was home at the time. Scott is a very passive and loving character. He always gives people the benefit of the doubt and tries to be noncrontational. It is a good quality and balaning out my drama queen side. And usually when I cry about stuff like this he tells me that I am over reacting....but not this time. As soon as I got off the phone, which he heard the brief conversation, he called the dr. right back and yelled at him. It was just a voice message, but it was a great voice message!! He told him that he had no right to hang up on me and treat his wife like that. I was so proud and so in love with him in that moment. I think it was one of the first times he stood up for me rather than try to convince me to see it from the other person's point of view. I loved it. I called my insurance company to ask for another dr. They gave me a list of five places to call. I called all five and left messages. Of all those messages only one place called me back. One very nice lady that said she does this all the time, help bariatric patients get their psych consults.
Other things I have to do include: upper GI, galbladder ultrasound, chest x-ray, blood work, and some other labs. Other than that, I am just waiting to hear from insurance and get a date scheduled. I am very excited, but nervous that this was all for nothing. I am nervous that it won't happen and I will be told no. Hopefully next time I post will be with a date!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Update...Four Months Down
So I met with my nutritionist today for the 4th time of our 6 meetings. I am getting closer. I am getting more and more excited. I continue to exercise and eat healthy. I can't wait for the added tool of the band. As of today at the nutritionist I have lost a little over 11 lbs. A drop in the bucket compared to the entire 100lb goal, but I feel better already.
The company I work for takes it leaders of the business on a cruise every year. I was invited on the cruise this year (my trip paid for, Scott's not paid for). I passed it up because I did not want to go without Scott. So now I am working on earning our trip for 2010. The trip in 2010 will not be a cruise, instead a week long vacation at a 5 star resort in Cancun. I can't wait. This year I am working hard for both of our tickets to be paid for. I can't wait to go to the beach and vacation with my new body......there is a skinny girl inside of this chubby body screaming to go on a vacation.
The company I work for takes it leaders of the business on a cruise every year. I was invited on the cruise this year (my trip paid for, Scott's not paid for). I passed it up because I did not want to go without Scott. So now I am working on earning our trip for 2010. The trip in 2010 will not be a cruise, instead a week long vacation at a 5 star resort in Cancun. I can't wait. This year I am working hard for both of our tickets to be paid for. I can't wait to go to the beach and vacation with my new body......there is a skinny girl inside of this chubby body screaming to go on a vacation.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I have been exercising and it feels so good. I have to attend an exercise class once a month at the hospital for bariatric patients. The class reminded me how much I love to exercise. I used to be an aerobics intstuctor in my home town. I have always loved aerobics and it has helped me over the years to lose weight. I also taught a volunteer aerobics class for two years at my church. We would meet three days a week. We had so much fun. I was proud of myself that I did it all during my pregnancy with Delana. But I have not been exercising for the past year because of my health problems. I thought I had not missed it until I attended my bariatric exercise class. Now I am exercising four to five days a week. I am attending a new class at my church. Another gal took over the class when I stopped so now I am attending her class three days a week and I am walking Tuesdays and Thursdays and days I can't make it to the church. I am walking with a good friend Deronda on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We walked together yesterday and it was so nice. I loved it. I feel so much better!!!!!! I have not felt this good for a year now.
Friday, August 15, 2008
2nd Appointment With Nutritionist
I had my 2nd visit with my nutritionist today. It went very well. I have lost 5.4 lbs since last month. I have to loose 21 lbs before my surgery. So I am on track. Just 4 more meetings with my nutritionist. We talked about my eating habits and set some guidelines for me to start living by now to prepare for the lifestyle I have to live by with the band.
So Here Are My Goals:
*Slow Down When I eat. Take 20 to 30 minutes to eat a meal.
*Pay attention to my bodies feelings of fullness as I am eating. Stop before I start to feel full.
*Eat Breakfast EVERY Morning....I am not a breakfast person.
*No drinking during my meals. There is a 30/30 rule when you have a lap band. You can not eat 30 minutes before you eat, while you are eating, and 30 minutes after you eat. Drinking will liquify my food and cause it to run right through the band and I will never feel full. This rule will be difficult for me. And it is the complete opposite of what we are normally taught of drinking a lot of water with your meal to create a feeling of fullness.
*Set a Meal Schedule. Eat three full meals and two nutritional snacks on a regular basis and set a schedule for myself. I was already thinking about this after visiting my mom because she had an eating schedule for the kids (the 7 grandkids that were staying at her house). They had to all eat their three meals together and they had their snacks at 10:00 and 2:00 and no other time. My mom did this so that she did not have to spend the day in the kitchen and hear little people say all day, "I'm Hungry." I have thought about that a lot since I got home because I am so tired of my two kids eating at different times and wanting snacks all day long. I am tired of being in the kitchen.
*I am also going to start eating these three meals and my two snacks at the table. And the table ONLY!!!! Not standng at the kitchen counter, not in front of the TV, only sitting at the table taking my time eating and slowing down.
I will keep you posted
So Here Are My Goals:
*Slow Down When I eat. Take 20 to 30 minutes to eat a meal.
*Pay attention to my bodies feelings of fullness as I am eating. Stop before I start to feel full.
*Eat Breakfast EVERY Morning....I am not a breakfast person.
*No drinking during my meals. There is a 30/30 rule when you have a lap band. You can not eat 30 minutes before you eat, while you are eating, and 30 minutes after you eat. Drinking will liquify my food and cause it to run right through the band and I will never feel full. This rule will be difficult for me. And it is the complete opposite of what we are normally taught of drinking a lot of water with your meal to create a feeling of fullness.
*Set a Meal Schedule. Eat three full meals and two nutritional snacks on a regular basis and set a schedule for myself. I was already thinking about this after visiting my mom because she had an eating schedule for the kids (the 7 grandkids that were staying at her house). They had to all eat their three meals together and they had their snacks at 10:00 and 2:00 and no other time. My mom did this so that she did not have to spend the day in the kitchen and hear little people say all day, "I'm Hungry." I have thought about that a lot since I got home because I am so tired of my two kids eating at different times and wanting snacks all day long. I am tired of being in the kitchen.
*I am also going to start eating these three meals and my two snacks at the table. And the table ONLY!!!! Not standng at the kitchen counter, not in front of the TV, only sitting at the table taking my time eating and slowing down.
I will keep you posted
Monday, August 11, 2008
So Excited!
So today I discovered a really great chat group for lap band patients. (it is a cafe mom group). There were tons of before and after pics posted by people that have been banded. I got so excited. My dr. told me that the weight loss with the band is really slow about half pound to a pound a week. And I don't know anyone that has had it to ask so my dr is the only one I have to ask questions to. So I have been excited and okay with a half pound or one pound a week......would I like it faster? ....who wouldn't? but I think it sounds great. But I got so excited to read on this chat group from many women that are losing much much faster. Some of the before and after pics are only a month or two and you can see a difference in their bodies after only two months. I am so excited. One of the women posted a picture after a year. Wow! I was getting so excited. I can't wait.
For now I am doing well, I have my first weigh in this Friday with my nutritionist. I have to lose 21 pounds by December to be eligible for the surgery. So that is about 4lbs a month. I think I did it this month, but part of it is because I had my cast taken off. Even my nutritionist said last month, "next month's weight loss should come easy. All you have to do is get your cast removed." we both laughed. So I will let you know how I did on Friday. For this week I am trying to eat the best I can. And do whatever exercise my foot will allow me to do (lots of upper body exercises)
For now I am doing well, I have my first weigh in this Friday with my nutritionist. I have to lose 21 pounds by December to be eligible for the surgery. So that is about 4lbs a month. I think I did it this month, but part of it is because I had my cast taken off. Even my nutritionist said last month, "next month's weight loss should come easy. All you have to do is get your cast removed." we both laughed. So I will let you know how I did on Friday. For this week I am trying to eat the best I can. And do whatever exercise my foot will allow me to do (lots of upper body exercises)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Before Picture
So I found my before picture. This is a picture of me at my sisters house in AZ a couple of weeks ago. I don't even recognize myself! Every great weight lose story has a terrible before picture and I think this will be mine.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Another Month

My surgery has been pushed back another month. Now we are looking at January for the date. I broke my foot and had to missed my first appointments of my 6 months of appointments for June. So now the 6 month count down begins in July.....ughhhh!
I was online today because I was trying to see if I could find a cute scrapbooking T-shirt that I could wear that maybe would drum up some business for me and I cam across this cute shirt I want, but I can't get it because it only goes up to size large. They have a boring white t-shirt for plus sizes....boring!!! Who invented the law that says chubby girls can't wear colors....we are stuck with black and white.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Picture of Me
I don't let anyone take many pictures of me but I got brave this week and asked a friend to take a picture of me and my daughter together. I don't like the look of my pale flabby arms, but what a special picture to be taken with my daughter with my arms around her to show my love to her. No matter what my arms look like, these are the arms that I love my babies with and that is good enough for them so it is good enough for me. So I am proudly posting this pic.
Waiting for 6 Months
So I got some bad news last week.....It will definately be later than sooner for the surgery. One of the requirements for insurance approval is to meet with a nutritionist once a month for 6 months. I have been meeting with one since January so I thought the process would be sped up for me. But the part of the requirement I did not know about is that in those same 6 months I had to see my primary care dr. once a month as well. I had seen my dr. 3 out of the 6 months.....urghh!!!! So it really will be 6 months and now I have to meet with a different nutritionist, one from the bariatric dr's clinic. I really liked my nutritionist Karen too. I will miss her. She was great....very patient with me and gave me a lot of her time. She was the one that recommended the surgery....thank you Karen. So I have all of my appointments set up with the bariatric nutritionist one for every month through to December and now I just have to make sure that I make it to my dr. every month or I have to start all over.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Steps To The far
So are you thinking about the band? How did I go about it and what put the idea in my mind.....
I started having hip and back problems in December. So I knew I needed to get some weight off. I was seeing a Dr. about my hip and asked for a referral to a nutritionist to help with the weight lose. So I started seeing a nutritionist in January. We met once a week, when I could make it. Some times by back pain was so bad that I could not make it into her office. She is a very nice lady. I have enjoyed meeting with her weekly. Even though I was stuck in bed most of the time I was losing one to two pounds a week. I was feeling pretty good. I remember our first meeting....
She asked me what was my weakness when it came to food. At the time I had an addiction to Soda and Popcorn. She told me that I need to stop eating it. Or if I did, I need to switch to diet soda in moderation and light popcorn. So my next appointment she ask me how the break up was going. I thought maybe she had me confused with another patient because my marriage was just fine. She meant my break up with Pop Corn and made me laugh, but it truely was a break up! I had to break up with those foods. We stayed seperated for a little while, but I am sad to say that we are back together.
I continued to drop a pound a week until April. I started to gain all of the weight back. She suggested that I needed to get the weight off and keep it off and recommended a lap band procedure. My insurance just started covering the procedure in January of this year. So she suggested I see my primary care physician and I did and got a referral for a consult with a surgeon.
So once you have your referral for consultation the next thing to do is register for a seminar. I went to a seminar about bariatric surgeries. It helped me to decide on the lap band vs. gastric bypass (too serious for me!). So then after the seminar you can get a consult with the Doctor.
My initial consult. I scheduled it for May 28th but when looking back at my piece of scratch paper the 28th looked like the 23rd. So I went in on Friday the 23rd. I was glad I did though. The dr. was not in. He was in surgery all day. But the receptionist did all of my checking in so I would be ready for Wednesday to meet with the dr. We discovered that I was a little under weight for the surger...just a few pounds. She asked if I thought I would be able to gain a few pounds over the weekend.....I said "in my sleep!" So I went back Wednesday, met the weight requirement (I had a really fun weekend of eating foods that I have been avoiding for some time....tacos, burritos, pizza, and cheesecake. If you had to gain a few pounds what would some of your fav foods be?)The dr. meet with me and gave me a huge binder to read. I have to take a quiz and I have to have a bunch of lab work done and get my paper work in order to get my referral now from the insurance will all happen some time in the next 6 months.
I started having hip and back problems in December. So I knew I needed to get some weight off. I was seeing a Dr. about my hip and asked for a referral to a nutritionist to help with the weight lose. So I started seeing a nutritionist in January. We met once a week, when I could make it. Some times by back pain was so bad that I could not make it into her office. She is a very nice lady. I have enjoyed meeting with her weekly. Even though I was stuck in bed most of the time I was losing one to two pounds a week. I was feeling pretty good. I remember our first meeting....
She asked me what was my weakness when it came to food. At the time I had an addiction to Soda and Popcorn. She told me that I need to stop eating it. Or if I did, I need to switch to diet soda in moderation and light popcorn. So my next appointment she ask me how the break up was going. I thought maybe she had me confused with another patient because my marriage was just fine. She meant my break up with Pop Corn and made me laugh, but it truely was a break up! I had to break up with those foods. We stayed seperated for a little while, but I am sad to say that we are back together.
I continued to drop a pound a week until April. I started to gain all of the weight back. She suggested that I needed to get the weight off and keep it off and recommended a lap band procedure. My insurance just started covering the procedure in January of this year. So she suggested I see my primary care physician and I did and got a referral for a consult with a surgeon.
So once you have your referral for consultation the next thing to do is register for a seminar. I went to a seminar about bariatric surgeries. It helped me to decide on the lap band vs. gastric bypass (too serious for me!). So then after the seminar you can get a consult with the Doctor.
My initial consult. I scheduled it for May 28th but when looking back at my piece of scratch paper the 28th looked like the 23rd. So I went in on Friday the 23rd. I was glad I did though. The dr. was not in. He was in surgery all day. But the receptionist did all of my checking in so I would be ready for Wednesday to meet with the dr. We discovered that I was a little under weight for the surger...just a few pounds. She asked if I thought I would be able to gain a few pounds over the weekend.....I said "in my sleep!" So I went back Wednesday, met the weight requirement (I had a really fun weekend of eating foods that I have been avoiding for some time....tacos, burritos, pizza, and cheesecake. If you had to gain a few pounds what would some of your fav foods be?)The dr. meet with me and gave me a huge binder to read. I have to take a quiz and I have to have a bunch of lab work done and get my paper work in order to get my referral now from the insurance will all happen some time in the next 6 months.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
When Food Is Love
"When I was eleven, I began dieting, and for the next seventeen years I spent the largest part of my every day thinking about what I wasnted to eat that I shouldn't eat that I didn't want. As I began spinning a world in which there were only two players, food and me...By the time I was twenty-eight, nothing mattered to me exept being thin..After reaching my natural weight...I discovered that it wasn't being thin I wanted, it was getting thin."
These are not my words, but they might as well be! I am reading a book called "When Food Is Love" by Geneen Roth. She has been battling weight her entire life and has written many books on the subject of emotional struggles with food. This book was recommended to me by my Therapist, Helen. I have been seeing a therapist since the end of March for my emotional eating patterns.
So why am I writing this blog about such a private matter? Number one reason is because I am not alone in this! I know others struggle the same way I do. And the number #2 reason is because I am getting what is called a lap-band procedure done some time this year....hopefully if the insurance company approves it. I met with the Dr. last week and I plan to use this Blog as my journal about my band...hence the title of the blog..Channon's Band..My lap band and my band on all food issues.
These are not my words, but they might as well be! I am reading a book called "When Food Is Love" by Geneen Roth. She has been battling weight her entire life and has written many books on the subject of emotional struggles with food. This book was recommended to me by my Therapist, Helen. I have been seeing a therapist since the end of March for my emotional eating patterns.
So why am I writing this blog about such a private matter? Number one reason is because I am not alone in this! I know others struggle the same way I do. And the number #2 reason is because I am getting what is called a lap-band procedure done some time this year....hopefully if the insurance company approves it. I met with the Dr. last week and I plan to use this Blog as my journal about my band...hence the title of the blog..Channon's Band..My lap band and my band on all food issues.
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